**A/N: Although when I first started this I wanted to keep it kid-friendly, to fit with the plot and script there is going to be some blood and gore in this draft and the next. Early notice just in case.

Turned out I had to split the ending to two posts because it was long. ;-; I'll post the second part soon.
I wonder if anyone saw any of that coming though. muahaha.
Also, I think I improved a lot since starting this last November. haha style evolution.
Stay tuned for the final part! (it's already done, but I'll give it some time. C:<)
Thanks for reading, as always!
And I think some lines turned out corny but oh well
ACTUAL TIME: July 5th 2016 (2:45 pm)
and If you're wondering why Arawn took pity on him, it's cause he's still blinded by the Helm image, since he liked Helm so much.
im such a mean person. and i found out i actually like hurting sputnik. sorry man. 3:
DeleteI KNOW, RIGHT?!! D': UGH
I am a hypocrite. x'D sorrry! omg
gosh it was in the script that means i couldn't help myself. ;-; (xD noo! lol)
yes it's true. authors are terrible beings. >:/
sdlkjfldsjfldsjfldjsljl JKLSJEEEAA!@!!!!!
ReplyDelete!!! rolf when i first saw this comment i probably grinned a mile wide.
Deletecause my plan worked. >8D
Deletex'D OMG WOW.
Deletethis makes me smirk like a devil.
(sorry! xD)
WHHHAAATTTTT OMIGOSH OMIGOSH STTAHHHHHPPPP OKAY THIS IS ME I COULDN'T PICK ONE GIF BECAUSE I JUST CAN'T https://38.media.tumblr.com/06f5de042df2b33ed53edc4f64f10e0c/tumblr_n1e7smrIe41tpax82o4_250.gif http://65.media.tumblr.com/113f9eda86ac2036d7dcc83e061121a2/tumblr_mlxrzePstc1qk7867o1_500.gif http://cdn2.crushable.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/what-is-air-colbert.gif http://static1.gamespot.com/uploads/original/79/796180/2581161-6330626251-tumbl.gif
ReplyDeletenow you get it look what you've done to my poor soul
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh this is no lie
I... I... everything just clicked into place and the EVIL cliffhanger and... where are the words I CAN'T EVEN...
DeleteI shall go and re-read the whole comic all over again. O.O
DeleteOHHHH MY GOSH THESE GIFS!!! x'D OMG. what the heck
omg you're so super kind
whoa <3
okay this is me now: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130812232907/degrassi/images/1/11/Merida_faint.gif
;-; gossssh
ReplyDeleteI was compelled to make this I'm sorry
why am i laughing so hard
Deleteoh my god
this makes me think that dion... x'D okay, but I love this.
wants to be his lady. omg. I think I'm going to draw something based on this if you don't mind. well I mean
secret admirer.. hehe.
this is crazy funny when I think about it. and that song sure doesn't help with the giggles.
i keep restarting the project once it stops btw.
gosh man, when you play this project a lot, dion looks so creepy buzzing with the song. xD but it's good.
DeleteSo much happened so fast! I don't even know where to start! Okay, so, I was kinda right that something was wrong with the portal... and that Sputnik was there to help. But I would have NEVER guessed that Helm was King Dion!! And even Sputnik being Alia's father was a big surprise, even though Helm was saying that Sputnik was King Dion, and Alia's little story said that Sputnik was King Dion, and that would've made Sputnik her dad anyway. But I didn't believe it because I didn't believe that Sputnik was King Dion, so. xD but Sputnik is actually her dad. wow.
ReplyDeleteAnd now I know who Sputnik really is! :D I was just so confused, because he seemed to be so powerful. And when I re-read the comic, I have a question. There was a part towards the beginning where Helm and his guard were fighting the Void right after they caught Odin and Lenore, and Helm was telling the elders how when Sputnik came, the Void took one look at him and ran away. Was that because Sputnik was so powerful, or was it Helm telling the Void to go away to make people more suspicious of Sputnik? Because the other time when Sputnik and Helm were fighting the Void, they didn't run away from Sputty then.
Gosh, it's just so awesome!!
Zombie Sahail looks creepy! But awesome at the same time. So majestic walking in. And everybody parts ways to let him through. What an entrance. xD
And it turns out all along that he was the Heir Savior! Which actually makes Arawn and even more cool protagonist, I think. And every single character in the story has a purpose for the plot -- I think it's awesome!
Haha, yes you were! But hey, you were also super duper close on the part where you and Bru thought Sputty was Alia's bro. So close. xD Idk how you figured, but you guys are good. And yes, that was what I was aiming for! It was the biggest twist of the story and it was planned ever since I wrote the script! >:D muahaha! and I guess that was a mini-hint to Sputty's identity, but actually, "Helm" knew he was Alia's dad all along and he just got mad at her tale because he hates kids. lol. Yeah. That's true. xD
DeleteGood. But honestly I don't think I gave Sputnik nearly enough screen time! :( He was absent for like 70% for the story and it was mostly about Helm and Arawn.. gosh. xD And aso for the answer to your question, Helm actually wanted his Void to attack, but they were afraid for their lives and ran away. He at first sent void after Sputnik, but then thought meh why bother? xD so at this point when the Void all ran away, it was because they were afraid of Sputnik and they knew they couldn't hurt him anyway and he'd kill them. But when he fought with Helm, Helm just kinda gave them a forced order to attack anyway, because he was super close to getting Arawn. It was Sputnik who blocked off their entrance that day. If Sputnik wasn't there to block the Void from Arawn (and "Helm" was "protecting" Arawn) they would have gotten him because that's what Helm wanted. He would have revealed himself to be Dion at that moment and the story will be over and he'd take over Arawn. But when Sputnik came around, he had to force himself to pretend he was really fighting the void and as a consequence also lost the chance to take over Arawn to keep his good image. Makes sense?
Thank you so much!! <3!
Haha I think he could have looked creepier but I was really trying not to make this a horror comic. Although now I think it's too late. xD And yep! Lol
sahail was always the more "royal" one unfortunately for his bro ;-;
I'm glad you think so! I actually got this idea because I was annoyed that all those stories had "the chosen one" "the special one" blah blah blah main character, and I wanted to twist it. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's done this before (i think) but I think it makes Arawn a more relateable protagonist because he's not special. He's just a regular dude with problems in his life.
And I hope so! I think there were some chracters who didn't really do anything (like Reagan. xD He only told them that dumb story. and Irina was there for no reason. I didn't want to name her, but eh, idk. xD Lenore and Odin didn't have much to do, but they were side characters so I'm not sure on them also. But I'm glad you think so! :D)
Thank you so much! <3
Okay I'm back. Still haven't gotten over this. ;-; Let me just tell you something... this comic is AMAZING, ABSOLUTELY AMAZING and you totally need to get it published. And I was so hooked in this one I swear! ;-; Gosh where do I start? :'D Just need to re-read it again. Aaah Lenore is so brave I love her!! ;-; Honestly when Sputnik came in I started fangirling. I love that guy so stinking much. To bits. C': Eeeeep I love the Lenore x Odin ship so muuuuch!! <3 why. ;-; And ahhhhh there's SO much mystery and suspense in this and so many different perspectives I love it too much!! :'D And oh my God. Sahail... Sahail the void! ahhhhhhh this is too much!! Omigosh this is SO emotional!! I got so attached I can't express it enough! ;-; OKAY BUT THAT BIT WHERE HELM TURNED INTO KING DION REALLY GOT ME THERE omigosh no ;-; WHy aRe wRiTERs sO CRuEL??? why. why!! ;-; I totally didn't see that coming I swear. Oh gosh. I remember you hinted it in that piece of artwork but I thought he'd just been turned into void... this has given me even more feels! D': noooooooooooooooooooooo!!! Evil writers. ;-; AND GOODNESS IT'S SO SINISTER!! I can't even! ;-; ahhhhhhhh (lol that face though x'D) The heck, you just made me love Helm/King Dion even more! *-* KING DION IS AMAZING HOW!?! Everything he says there! So formidable. *-* So dang classy ;-; Holy cow that backstory is the best thing I've ever seen. How did you write it? It's SO emotional and overly gripping and I feel like I've been sucked in and everything clicked into place so well and I just- O.O Okay but the fact that you knew all of this from the very beginning (last year I know bc I want to mention something about that later~ xD) makes me want to re-read from the beginning all over again because this comic is SO powerful I'm not even kidding. o.o And *cries* SPUTNIK YOU'RE TRULY AMAZING YOU!! ;-; poor guy. I feel so much sympathy for him. *sobs* I don't even know what to say. ;-; (as for the "I am your father" thing all I can imagine is Alia... okay nevermind x'D) This really hit me in the feels... you're so mean. ;-; That ship though. Sputnik and Alia. I died. So emotional. why. ;-; it's true love, people! ;-; Cuties. <3 (now you just gave me a new OTP... the feels ;-;) I LOVE SPUTNIK SO MUCH HE'S SO BRAVE AND EVERYTHING!! :'D <3 (and harr welp ;-;) Oh gosh I love that quote so much "Then he intruded on my domain, everyone! The invincible Sputnik, rudest stallion in the world!" everything Dion says is GOLD! *O* Heck Alia's expressions match mine all to well... I feel her. Gosh. And the story behind the curse mark... there goes my feels again! ;-; Poor cuties. ;-;
ReplyDeleteTHAT PICTURE! The one that says "Life is strange. Ever since then, until now you were always in my face. Cursed being." THAT picture... is SO symbolic! The two sides of Sputnik and Helm/Dion! You're playing with my emotions! T_T Why did you have to make Dion so harr as well? ;-; I love dorks like that. They amuse me. Yes. 8') <3 Who taught you how to draw Void laughing girl? I wanna do that too. It's creepy! I love it! B) And omg the Helm-pinning-Sputnik picture! I'm laughing again!! x'D
"M'lady"... yes. More of that lovely ship yes. c: <3
lol omg Dion is so smart I hate him and love him both at the same time! 8'D BUT OMG NO SPUTNIK POOR SPUTNIK WHY DID THAT HAVE TO HAPPEN OMG!! O.O *distressed wailing noises* writer's are evil beings! The terrible sins! ;-; my feels are killing me why
DeleteI LOVE how you brought in Arawn there!! So powerful. Gosh why. ;-; Ahh I just really like how he confronts Dion there. Yes. We need Helm back. That's right. *-* AND OMG YES DION I LOVE THAT IRONY THERE OMIGOSH YES!! >:'D BUT OMG NO THE EVIL CLIFFHANGER! D:' Writers must not commit these crimes and inject evil cliffhangers into their stories! D:<(*cough* hypocritical xD *cough*) tbh I read the next one too because ah I couldn't resist... sorry! x'D
This comic is just... I don't know how to say this. I really don't. Honest. This is one of the best comics I have ever read in my life. ;-; (yeah that's right I'm re-reading it to fully understand what it was like from your perspective you evil writer! xD) I really don't understand why everything didn't click before - that Helm was Dion and Sputnik wasn't evil. I'm saying this because I recall thinking it was funny when you started to talk about a portal and I immediately connected it to that story plot we were talking about on dA last year! Do you remember? x'D Now, you were also talking about writing a villain who was disguised as a good guy but revealed himself in the end? And there was also a guy who was seen as evil but was in fact good - Sputnik! Omigosh I can't believe I didn't notice it before! It all suddenly clicked. ;-;
I love this so much I can't express it enough - this comment hasn't done it justice! I need to draw fanart too and stuff! And YOU need to get this published one day sir! u.u (or ma'am x'D) Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful work! The whole script is amazing and the art is breath-taking too - I could never do any of this even if it took me twelve years! You have so much talent; I envy you for that. Keep it up buddy! :'D <3
(Going to comment on the next one too! <3)
(Had to post this as two comments because I went over the character limit... wait there's a character limit?? x'D)
And goosshh wow I have no idea what to say, again! I love
Deleteyour comments. ;-;
x'D Gosh, thank you!! And yes, dat ship! >:D
LOL ikr?? xD And thank you!!
And haha go ahead! xD omg now I feel so evil
And oohh my gosh, I totally forgot about that! :O YOU'RE
RIGHT! You mean that one we were going to write on our
collab account on Scratch back then? xD It was crummy,
and now I feel like all my stories have the same plots.
xD GOSH OMG. O_o I forgot all about that! Kenza, I think
this means I told you the whole story LAST YEAR!! :O WHOA.
Okay, this is just so stupid. xD I used the same plotline
unconsciously! Gaah! (Actually, I forgot mostly, but I
think I made Sots up before, but I never thought I was
going to write it down, much less make it a comic, so
I thought why not use the plotline for a collab story? That's
super unnecessary now though! xD Hoolly cow this is crazy!)
I forgot all about this! ;-; wow. crazy!
And gosh thank you sooo much! Really, can't say it enough!!
You're too flipping kind Kenza. ;-; <3!
(Omg ikr? Maybe it's a new thing? I thought we
could write as tall a comment as we wanted... or was
that on G+? idk! xD I really was surprised when I
saw the limit though!)
You wrote an essay and I wrote a small letter, dang. xD
DeleteBut I really have no idea what to say, and I can't thank you enough!! ;-; I'm SUPER glad you enjoyed it!! <3 eep so kind aljksahasj
ReplyDeleteWonderful post!!! Genuinely loved this kind of post. Although I want much more information on like precious subject matter.
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Wow! This is so good! Now these days there isn’t any comics that include wild horses. But, I’m glad this came back(:
ReplyDeleteI loveee Arawn & Lenore is so curious.